Spider Glazing is a system for point supported vertical glazing in which thermally toughened (tempered) glass sheets are used in single glazing or in insulated glass. The system consists of S.S.Spiders with fixed or articulate bolts with glass fins supporting system.
The rectangular glass sheet have 4 counter sunk drilled holes into which counter sunk stainless steel bolts are fitted acting as point fixings, which are fixed to the spiders.
There is a calculated space maintained between the 2 glass sheets, so as to absorb expansion/contraction alongwith the seismic movements. These gaps are filled with wheather sealant & this complete façade is supported on glass fins to sustain the horizontal wind pressure acting upon it
In case of very high point fixed glazing or on specific Architectural requirement, the spider glazing can be supported by Tension Rod, Cable system or with combination of truss structure for elegance, speed and strength.